Design is in the details, which is why we also offer everything from doors and railings to plumbing fixtures and door handles. Our helpful and knowledgeable staff will be there to guide you through the process of designing the home of your dreams.

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Every new Poetry Living homeowner will be welcomed to our state-of-the-art facility featuring over 3,000 sq.ft. of inspiring vignettes and selections to ensure your home is personalized to your family needs and budget. Our Design Consultant will be with you throughout the process to help you feel confident and comfortable, from structural changes to colours and finishes, we are here to help.

Browse Our Low Rise Studio

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Browse Our High Rise Studio

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Where your
happiness begins

Décor Studio

Once you have purchased a Poetry Living home, you will be contacted to make an appointment with one of our Design Consultants. We will provide as much information ahead of time so that you can view the options from the comfort of your current home.

Your appointments will be separated so that we can discuss with you in a Tier 1 appointment any electrical, mechanical, plumbing or structural changes you may want to make in your home. Tier 2 appointments will be your opportunity to choose colour and decor options to personalize your home to your family needs

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Amount spent on upgrades
Interest rate
Estimated monthly cost:


Design FAQ’s

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Book An Appointment Today

Call 905.738.6671 ext. 161 or fill in the fields below and a decor representative will get back to you to confirm a date/time that is convenient for you.